301 Shawmut Ave #33
Boston, MA. 02118
20 January 2005

Zoning Board of
Boston City Hall, Room 204
One City Hall Plaza
Boston, Ma. 02201

To Whom it May Concern,

At the January 5 meeting of the Eight Streets Neighborhood Association,
Architect Arthur Choo came to ask for neighborhood support to attain approval for adding a deck to the top floor of 12 Bond Street. Mr Choo presented diagrams and all members’ questions about this proposed construction were fully answered.  There were no direct abutters that were opposed to this construction.

Eight Streets Membership voted not to oppose the construction of the top floor deck.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns on this subject.

Thank you.



Heather Slaby
Eight Streets Neighborhood Association
CC: Arthur
Choo Jr AIA, Choo & Company, Inc, 116 South Street, Boston, MA  02111