301 Shawmut Ave #33
Boston, MA. 02118


March 16, 2006

Zoning Board of Appeals
Boston City Hall, Room 204
One City Hall Plaza
Boston, Ma. 02201


To Whom it May Concern,

At the March 6, 2006 meeting of the Eight Streets Neighborhood Association, Mr. Brian Gerson and Mr. John Shade presented their plans for a multi-faceted reconstruction project at 546 Tremont Street. They came to the monthly association meeting to ask for our support on four specific changes they would like to make to their building as well as ask our assistance on appealing a proviso from the ZBA.


Mr. Gerson and Mr Shade came to our support for the following items:

) Replace the existing slate roof and rebuild roof and dormers with slate back to its original style

2) Change the roofline on the back to extend the shed dormer

3) Gut and renovate the top floor

4) Add three balconies to the top three floors and the parlor level


Mr Gerson and Mr Shade showed architectural drawings showing the plans they would like to execute.  According to Mr Gerson and Mr Shade, the ZBA approved all aspects with 2 provisos which include reducing the depth of the balconies from 8 ft to 6 ft and to attach the balconies by brackets. Landmarks has also approved with the exception of changing the styling of the shed dormer to a style that is more reminiscent of styling that has been there before. Mr Gerson and Mr Shade have revised the architecture and are waiting on further approvals.


At a hired request, they had an engineer review the plans and they have acknowledged that to hang the balconies off the wall with brackets would be a unfeasible. By hanging the balconies with brackets, it would cause structural problems and it would pull up the wall and floor joists. Mr Shade are looking for approval to do the balconies without the brackets and would like to appeal the proviso of the bracketed balconies to the ZBA because this proviso is not a structurally sound solution.

Eight Streets Neighborhood Association reviewed the plans and voted to not oppose any of the aspects of Mr Shade and Mr GersonŐs multifaceted construction project. In particular, the NA was not opposed to adding the balconies and agreed that the balconies at a depth of 6 feet were acceptable. Membership also agreed that because brackets on the balconies would be structurally unsound, we would not oppose them being supported by columns or another type of support.   As a result, the NA encourages you to reconsider the proviso stating that Mr Shade and Mr Gerson need to add brackets to the balconies project.


Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns on this subject.

Thank you.





Heather Slaby
Eight Streets Neighborhood Association

Mr. Brian Gerson and Mr John Shade: 546 Tremont Street, Boston, MA  02118

Marco Torres: Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services, Neighborhood Coordinator for the South End & Bay Village, Room 708, One City Hall Plaza , Boston, MA 02201