301 Shawmut Ave #33
Boston, MA. 02118
20 January 2005

Zoning Board of Appeals
Boston City Hall, Room 204
One City Hall Plaza
Boston, Ma. 02201

To Whom it May Concern,

At the January 5 meeting of the Eight Streets Neighborhood Association,
Attorney Joseph Hanley spoke on Mr. Peter Geyer’s behalf to ask the Eight Streets NA Membership for their support in changing the occupancy from a lodging house to a 3 residential unit building.  In doing so, it would bring the building back to its original residential occupancy. Copies of several letters of support from their direct abutters at 81 and 85 Waltham Street have been provided to Eight Streets NA.

Eight Streets' Membership voted not to oppose the change in occupancy.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns on this subject.

Thank you.



Heather Slaby
Eight Streets Neighborhood Association
CC: Attorney Joseph Hanley, McDermott, Quilty & Miller, 21 Custom House St, Suite 300, Boston, MA  02110 and Mr. Perry Geyer, 85 Waltham Street, Boston, MA 02118