50 Waltham St. #5R
Boston, Ma. 02118
3 April 2003

Mr. Mark Maloney
Boston Redevelopment Authority
Boston City Hall
One City Hall Plaza
Boston, Ma. 02201


Dear Mr. Maloney,

At last night monthly meeting of the Eight Streets Neighborhood Association one of our members/residents, Mr. Henri Cole, made a presentation asking that our Membership authorize me to write a letter supporting the tenants at 258 Shawmut Ave. in their requests to the BRA in not allowing a change to the existing restrictions placed on the open space lots at 64 and 66 Bradford Street, which directly abut 258 Shawmut Ave. It is our understanding that the current owner of these properties agreed in writing not to develop 64 Bradford until at least 2005 and 66 Bradford until at least 2016. Several tenants of 258 Shawmut voiced strong concern about the negative impact on air and light which construction on these lots would have on their homes.

The owner of the properties, Ms. Tracy Roberts, was present at our meeting to give her point of view on the topic. She pointed out that the agreements which she signed do allow for her to request a change of the time restrictions noted above.

Mr. Cole and Ms. Roberts were both receptive to questions and concerns from the general Membership during our discussion of this issue.

By majority vote, the Membership of Eight Streets NA does support the request that that the current open spaces at 44 and 46 Bradford St. be retained as such and that dispensation from the BRA to build on these lots before the above noted dates not be granted.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns on this subject.

Thank you.


Tim Kozlowski

CC: Mr. Henri Cole, 258 Shawmut Ave, Boston, 02118