50 Waltham St. #5R
Boston, Ma. 02118
6 November 2003


Zoning Board of Appeals
Boston City Hall, Room 204
One City Hall Plaza
Boston, Ma. 02201


To Whom it May Concern,

At the last night's meeting of the Eight Streets Neighborhood Association, Mr. Eric Korins of 88 Waltham St., made a presentation requesting support for a zoning variance to officially change the occupancy of 88 Waltham St. from a "rooming house" to reflect the current, long-term condition of "seven dwelling units." It is our understanding that this property was converted to condominiums in 1979 yet this change was somehow overlooked. Given the long amount of time which has passed, it is obviously impossible to trace any responsibility for this oversight.

Eight Streets NA membership voted to not oppose this request for a variance. We appreciate Mr. Korins and his neighbors taking the time to seek our support and remain consistent in having all ZBA issues reviewed by neighborhood association members before the ZBA hearing takes place.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns on this subject.

Thank you.



Tim Kozlowski

CC: Mr. Eric Korins, 88 Waltham St., Boston, Ma. 02118