301 Shawmut Ave #33
Boston, MA. 02118


September 16, 2005

Boston Arts Commission

Boston City Hall, Room 802

Boston, MA 02201

To Whom it May Concern,

At the September 7, 2005 meeting of the Eight Streets Neighborhood Association, Christina Bechstein presented a proposal for the Berkeley Community Garden Growing Fence. The Eight Streets Membership voted to support the construction of the new fencing along the garden as presented at the meeting.  While the residents did not get to see the actual art panels at our meeting, we support the construction of the fence as proposed.  SELROSLT has agreed to come to our next meeting to discuss details of the art panels themselves.  We anticipate SELROSLT to be open to our suggestions and would address any concerns we had with the final art design.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns on this subject.

Thank you.



Heather Slaby
Eight Streets Neighborhood Association

SELROSLT, P.O. Box 180923, Boston, MA 02118
Marco Torres, Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services, Neighborhood Coordinator for the South End & Bay Village, Room 708, One City Hall Plaza , Boston, MA 02201