Eight Streets Annual Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, May 5,1999

7:00pm-8: 45pm

Boston Ballet Board Room

The meeting was called to order by President Ken Hirshkind . All officers were present as well as a quorum of the association’s membership. The fiscal year end of the association ends September 1 but the general meetings end in May. Executive meetings may be called if necessary during the summer. Summaries of these meetings can be obtained on the website.

The first order of business was the discussion of the Liquor License for 254 Shawmut (the old Cedars restaurant) Christine Didiak and David Chaffee have rented the space and plan on building out a "mid-scale" neighborhood atmosphere restaurant-THE DISH!

Food will be cooked in woodburning ovens and the service of beer, wine, and cordials will be ancillary to the food. There will be a 7 seat bar, open windows in the summer, and some outdoor seating in appropriate weather, they are not planning on TV or loud music- only a CD player. Some concern was voiced by residents regarding noise, and the lessors assured them that the outdoor seating will close earlier than the restaurant itself and that the doors may be closed as well. In addition, there was assurance given that there will be daily trash pick up. The façade of the building will not be changed. For those Eight Streeters who know the cape, this pair previously owned and ran "Dockside in Hyannis. The Association agreed to write a letter in support 9of the license noting our concern about the possible excessive noise levels from the outdoor seating and the open windows.

A Parcel 8 update was given. Again a letter of support for the project was approved, with notations that consideration be noted about additional traffic, parking capacity suggested by the developers, and loading dock concerns.

The 1998-1999 Goals of the Association were reviewed and with a few exceptions were attained. The Executive Board is still looking forward to sponsoring a South End wide association event, and the goal of joint planning and execution with the Tremont Business Association for planter and garbage cans outside their facilities was not accepted. The Board will continue to strive to attain these goals.


The Financial Review for the Association for 1998-1999 follows:

Balance as of 9/24/98 $1111.31

Membership dues

20 Households $200.00

12 Individuals 84.00

Contributions 12.00

$296.00 296.00


Meeting space rental $ 60.00

Contribution(TAZ) 100.00

8 South End Directories 24.00

Bank fees 17.50

Mini-grant 200.00

$401.50 $401.50


Balance as of 5/5/99 $1005.81

The Financial Review was accepted and approved.

A Review of the Friends of Peter’s Park was given. Clean up scheduled for 5/15. Also, the city is planning on putting sod in the fenced in dog area. A reminder to dog owners- please try to keep your dog’s barking to a minimum early and late on the Bradford Street side- thanks!

Ted Chaloner of 36 Milford Street gave a presentation about The Good Ideas Fund. This 501(c)-(3) corporation (not-for – profit) gives neighborhood mini-grants to those who have creative and innovative approaches to strengthening the South End/Lower Roxbury community. The members unanimously approved $200 to be given to this organization. The balance listed above reflects that grant.

The proposed slate of officers for 1999-2000 was approved- the officers are:

Ken Hirschkind, President Claudia Swan, Vice President

Peter Chin, Treasurer Anne Cole, Secretary.

There was discussion about holding an Eight Streets potluck and Flea market in Ringgold Park early this summer. No plans were finalized.

A reminder was made that dues are once again due in September- we hope to continue to see more growth in members and activity in the Association in the upcoming year.

The first meeting for 1999-2000 will be held on the first Wednesday in September- notices (now encased in plastic and tied on) will be placed on lampposts in the neighborhood as a reminder- as well as noting the location- a week or so before that time.

Respectfully submitted,

Anne Cole