Eight Streets Neighborhood Association
Wednesday, June 7, 2000
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM at the Boston Ballet
Discussion with Ellis John Herbert
General Ellis Information:
- Ellis has a board of directors with about 30 people
- They have a membership of approx. 300 people. Their goal is 900 people, which they believe will be about 600 in reality.
- It is a formal organization. They are organized around Permanent Committees:
Traffic, City Services, Zoning and Licensing, Public Safety, Membership, Newsletter, Events, and Citys neighborhoods and other organizations
- Each committee has a chair and as many members that are interested.
- In addition to the permanent Committees above, there are temporary committees created for specific purposes:
Parcel 8, Air rights, Airport
- The committees each year set goals and make budget requests each year.
- Current budget is approx. $11,000-12,000. During the budgeting process the executive committee will allocate approx. $10,000 of the total budget to the committees.
- The Ellis Fiscal Year runs June May
- The Committees report into 2 vice presidents.
- They have a newsletter given out 4 or 5 times per year
- Monthly meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month 7 PM 287 Columbus Ave New England Financial Life Building Meetings are open to anyone that would like to attend. The Committees report at this time. Members do not vote.
- Events are held at times during the monthly meetings to stir participation. They will invite speakers (i.e. The Mayor, etc).
- The Executive Board meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month.
- Annual Dues in Ellis are 30 for households, Seniors 10, individuals 20, non-profits 75, business/condo 100
- Question to John - How do you envision the merger without "swallowing up" 8 Streets.
- Some of Ellis concerns are How wide is the Eight Streets representation. If we wanted to merge the 2 organizations, are we (Eight Streets) really representing the entire neighborhood?
- Want to make sure there is enough time and publicity to make sure both groups are well represented and people have opportunity to comment on potential merger.
- Suggestion have our members go to each others meetings, have Ellis come to ours and ours to theirs look at commonalties
- Would the merger be a drain on Ellis because Eight Streets doesnt have enough infrastructure to bring to the table nor do we have a lot of members, which will cause Ellis to have to open up recruiting area.
- There is an Annual meeting (April) that all members are involved in All members can attend the meetings on the 4th but they do not vote.
- On average there are about 30-50 people at each meeting could be as many as 70 or 80. (including the board members)
- The meetings are publicized through the newsletters, through posters, south end news.
- The committees meet separately 1 or 2 times per month. Each committee will make an update at the monthly meeting to present information and what is coming on their agendas. The timing can be challenging to keep everyone informed. They are very focused on making sure people that are impacted by an issue get an opportunity to express their views.
Membership and Financial Update
- We ended this year with 60 paid members
16 individuals
44 households
- Our Bank Balance as of 6/1/00 = $886.20
- We Started the 1999-2000 year with $1,005.81
We raised $374.00 through dues and donations
We spent $493.61 on ($100 Washington Gateway, $22.50 BCA, $150 Project Place, $52.86
Brochure, $128 Christmas Wreaths, $20.25 Flyers, $20 Bank Fees)
Presidents Update Performance to Goals
- Increase membership to 70 households, 5 associate members (Actual 60 households, 0 associate members
- Publish an Eight Streets Brochure to neighborhood (Complete)
- Increase cooperation by holding one South End Association Event (Partially Complete - Hosted South End Neighborhood Coalition Dinner with Presidents from Ellis, Pilot Block, Union Park and Tremont Business Association)
- Ensure continued focus on Neighborhood projects (Parcel 8, RC6) (Complete, we continued to have representation in Parcel 8 and continued to address concerns on RC 6 and other development in our neighborhood)
- Hold at least 3 Eight Streets Social Events (Complete Spring Pot Luck, Holiday party at Doug and Sharons, End of Season Pot Luck in June)
- Investigate the potential for an Eight Streets Neighborhood Crime Watch Group (Not Complete)
Election of 2000 2001 Executive Committee
Tim Kozlowski President
John McLachlan Vice President
Peter Chin Treasurer
Open Secretary
This executive committee slate was nominated by the association by a vote of 10 Yea and 1 abstention
- This executive committee was voted into office for 2000-2001 by a unanimous Yea vote
End of Year Potluck
- We agreed that we wanted to have an end of year PotLuck dinner in Ringgold Park.
Dates: Wed the 28th Rain date 29th
Time: 5:30 - ????
- John, Doug and Sharon will bring tables
- Ken will create posters and drop them off to Lindas house for distribution
- Linda will approach Emillios, Athens, Rave, Dish, Framagio to invite them and see if they would donate stuff to the potluck.
- Claudia will take care of paper goods (napkins, plates, cups, and silverware)
Open discussion
- Discussion came up about Emillios as a good neighbor Biggest issue seems to be hazards with his delivery vans double-parking on Tremont. Kevin will mention to him that if they have to double park, to keep one car length back from corner.
Public Hearings
- June 13th at 6:30 Cathedral of the Holy Cross Review Draft of Project Impact Report for the Wilkes Passage Lofts, (Hub Motors Site) at Washington St and Waltham St. (Public Comments regarding this proposal are due by Monday July 17th at the BRA. Contact Maria Faria at City Hall (fax 617-742-7783)
- Union Park CSO Facility meeting Tuesday June 13, 2000 Community Room, St. Helenas House, 89 Union Park St. at 7pm. There will be a presentation and project update on the design of the Union Park CSO Facility, which will be built adjacent to the Boston Water and Sewer Commissions Union Park Pump Station. Contact Jeff McLaughlin at MWRA Public Affairs (788-1170).