October 5, 2005 Eight Streets Neighborhood Association.
Taylor Street Park – Chip Marler from friends of Taylor Park spoke about plans to improve Taylor Park. They have been planting and cleanup over the past year. BRA fixed gates/painted fence. South End Land Trust is in process of getting property from the BRA and Friends of Taylor Park are trying to get this included in the deed. City gave them $2500 grant for park improvements. Trying to get water reconnected. Would like to do more work in the spring to make it look more inviting. Would like to open it up to people to use the space. This Sunday 10/9 at 10AM – stop by to help with planting.
Ringold Park – Liz Silverman came to speak from FoRP. Discussed plans for making the park a nicer place. Architect has come up with 3 different plans. The idea is to have a place for non-playground use. Sleeves for irrigation are there but never connected and the plantings are dying so looking for a way to fix this problem. The are doing a Fundraiser to fix the park. They have gotten one corporate gift of 5K last year but need to raise more money.
We need more people and greater visibility