50 Waltham St. #5R
Boston, Ma. 02118
6 May 2004
Zoning Board of Appeals
Boston City Hall, Room 204
One City Hall Plaza
Boston, Ma. 02201  

To Whom it May Concern,

At last night's meeting of the Eight Streets Neighborhood Association, Mr. Christopher Marano of Wellesley Homes, who is over-seeing renovation of 40 Dwight St., made a presentation requesting our support of a variance to erect 8' (deep) X 13' decks on the second and third floors at the rear of this address. Mr. Marano was well prepared and arrived equipped with significant visual aids (plans, photographs, etc.); he addressed all questions around this proposal. No direct abutters appeared at the meeting to voice concerns. The attending Membership voted to note oppose Mr. Marano being granted this variance.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns on this subject.

Thank you.
Tim Kozlowski
CC: Mr. Christopher Marano, President, Wellesley Homes, 47 River St., Wellesley, Ma. 02481