Eight Streets Neighborhood Association
Meeting Minutes, 2 February
Greeting & Introductions &
- Looking for someone to attend monthly D4 Boston Police South End
Panel meeting. Held the last Monday of the month. For more information about the D4 police
and their schedule of events, go to http://d4bpd.com/
Zoning Board Appeals –
18 Dwight Street : Braden Plant, owner of 18 Dwight Street, presented his plans to add two decks to his unit on
the top two floors. The top deck would be approximately 6 ft deep, the one
below it approximately 5 ft in consideration of the neighbor who lives below
him. He is proposing two decks to be built on a cantilever which his engineer
has signed off on. He presented 30 signatures from neighbors who approved his
building of the decks. He plans to join his fire escape with the neighbor next
door. Eight Streets Membership voted to not oppose the construction of the
decks [Note: letter to ZBA, CC to Mr Plant 2/5/05]
- Ground Water Discussion:
Ted Vasiliou came to present information on the Groundwater
Educational Forum and discussed why Groundwater is an issue and why
residents should care about it.
The goal of the form is to build an informed constituency through which a
preventative solution to the problem of the insufficient groundwater can
be implemented. It is only with a large constituency that politicians, at
the city and state level, will shift from reactive, short term crisis
driven approach to the problem to a long term preventative approach.
The next meeting is Tuesday April 5, 2005 from 6:30-9:30 PM at Rabb lecture hall,
Boston Public Library, Copley Square.
For more information, go to www.bostongroundwater.com
- Spring Street Fair:
Scheduled for June 4, 2004 (rain date June 5).
- Looking for members to volunteer to help with
- Looking for ideas to make it more fun for
people to attend
- Tag Sale: Looking for people interested in
setting up a table to sell off some of their stuff collecting dust!
- Contact Heather Slaby heather.slaby at verizon.net for
more information