Eight Streets Neighborhood Association
Meeting Minutes, 7 September 2005
9/15 meeting on the redesign of Peters Park. 7:00, Cathedral. use Union Park St Entrance
9/17-18 - South End Open Studios. See www.useaboston.com for more details
9/17 Union Park "Picnic in the Park". 11-3. See www.upna.org/p8.html for more info
9/18 Taylor Park cleanup. Meet Taylor Park 10am. Bring gloves & tools
9/27 are preliminary elections. Please make an effort to vote! If the South End gets a low turnout, the politicians will think we don't care, are not important, and will not listen to us when we speak!
SELROSLT gave a presentation on the redesign of the fence for the East Berkeley edge of Berkeley Community Garden. Residents were concerned that the design renditions presented didn't accurately represent what would actually be built. The residents would also liek to see the panels as designed.
Even though some of the details weren't as clear as they should have been, the group approved the general design of the fence, and sent a letter of support to the Boston Arts commision.
Perry Geyer asked for an approval of a roof deck for 83 Waltham St. Eight Streets approved other changes in an earlier meeting (minutes), but the deck was not part of the original request. The NA voted to approve the roofdeck plans as presented, and a letter of support sent to ZBA.
Peters Park made a presentation on their plans to apply for an official city Dog Recreational Space, or DRS (aka dog run). Residents were concerned that DRS representatives did not have an official plan for the dog run, and felt we didn't have anything specific enough to vote on. With no specific dog run plans, residents felt it was inappropriate to suport or not support any motion at this time.
Anyone interested in the dog run is strongly encouraged to attend the Peters Park redesign meeting on the 15th of September.
- Meeting Adjourned