January 4, 2006

Eight Streets Neighborhood Association.





Presentation: Paul Curtis, 13 Dwight Street. Mr Curtis wants to add an oriel to back of building overlooking Berkeley St Gardens. He is presenting at ESNA because he is increasing FAR and needs approval from ZBA to do so. The proposed oriel juts out 3ft 6Ó by 8.5Õ and width is window to window. He has letters from abutters not opposing the construction. Windows are the same size as the existing windows. Exterior design is consistent with others in the neighborhood. It will be made of wood construction. The problem Paul is encountering is that FAR is excessive and he needs relief from board of appeals. Technical square footage added to the oriel bay is about 8 sft.  The new window will increase light and air to the space. The design greatly improves the exterior of the building and the added area equals less than 1% of spaces. Looking to start building in April of 06. ESNA voted to not oppose the oriel being added.



Trash issues:


Evacuation route signs up:

To get a map of the routes and other emergency preparedness information, go to http://cityofboston.gov/emergency/ .